#EpicLoveShare auction
In support of an auction for the fight against children's cancer, Lingon supports with a digital certificate of authenticity and ownership
Lingon had the pleasure to participate at "Möbelriksdagen" (the "furniture parliament") in Tibro on September 28.-29. Möbelriksdagen is the yearly convention for the members of Interior Cluster, a Swedish alliance of furniture manufacturers, designers, and suppliers.
In close cooperation with Sigma Technology, Lingon was invited to showcase its solution for Digital Product Passports (DPP), which is part of the new EU Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSRD) and aims to support EU's ambition to reach its net zero greenhouse gas goals.
DPPs will be mandatory to each product sold on the European inner market and will have to be unique to each individual product. The digital passport shall contain a comprehensive set of information about things like climate impact and details on product parts, sources, and origin.
For natural reasons, it was a big topic at the conference. There was some uncertainty about what the new regulations will mean in practice to the industry, but also a great curiosity to the new business opportunities that will arise when physical produts get a digital representation.
Lingon showcased a new connected solution, with trusted NFC tags attached to some design chairs exhibited at the conference. By scanning a chair (keeping the mobile close to the NFC tag, discretely attached underneath the seat of the chair), the user got information about the tag integrity as well as the full DPP displayed in the browser.
Apart from the information and transparency value, this is also a strong proof of product authenticity and can be used to counteract piracy.
There was great interest in the solution, thanks to its straightforward simplicity and user-friendly interface.
Lingon's DPPs are certificates secured on the blockchain and may contain media (photos and/ or movies), links to social media channels, descriptive text elements, links to external sources, and more.
The ownership of the certificates can be transferred to customers/ end-users, hence, also provide a proof of ownership.
Furthermore, the Lingon platform offers a messaging solution for sending push messages to holders of the certificates, which can be used to build community and promote the circular economy.
We are excited to watch the creativity unfold in the furniture industry, especially when it comes to adopting this new tech for improved transparency, brand-building, storytelling, and a more sustainable product eco-system.
In support of an auction for the fight against children's cancer, Lingon supports with a digital certificate of authenticity and ownership